The Valerie Fund Children's Centers are home to many healthcare heroes who support our kids during some of the most difficult times of their lives. These caregivers are experts in a variety of practices. We will be showcasing each service provided in our Children's Centers and hearing from the healthcare providers in their own words what they do for our kids and families. In this installment, we are going to learn about our Palliative Care & Integrative Medicine specialists.
The Healthcare Heroes of The Valerie Fund: Palliative Care & Integrative Medicine
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Topics: integrative medicine, palliative care, caregivers, centers, learning depots
Palliative care relieves symptoms of serious illness such as pain, discomfort and stress in order to help the patient maintain an acceptable level of comfort throughout all stages of treatment. This care integrates all supportive services and expertise into a single synergistic unit focused on improving patients' quality of life. Once associated with end of life care, palliative care is now used to provide relief beginning at diagnosis all the way through to survivorship, or end of life.
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Topics: pediatric, palliative care