The Valerie Fund could not exist without a network of dedicated, talented, and absolutely incredible volunteers who give their time to help support a cause that is important to them. April is National Volunteer Appreciation Month and as we look back, we wanted to shine a spotlight on the people who help make the organization run.
Topics: 5k, walk, run, events, world subaru, volunteer, volunteers, give back, grace's house
The Avengers may be hitting theaters again this year but it is important to remember that #NotAllHeroesWearCapes! Let's take a look at how we can all help our super heroes.
Topics: 5k, verona, walk, walkathon, run, events, new jersey, fundraising, volunteer, patients
Topics: moms, fundraising, art, volunteer, give back, patients, grace's house
The Valerie Fund's events have been in full swing since the summer. Starting with The Valerie Fund Walk & JAG Physical Therapy 5K Run on June 9th, the organization has hosted three golf outings, a color run, a karaoke media event, and wrapped up with The Valerie Fund 5K Run & Walk, presented by World Subaru at the beginning of October.
Topics: Non-profit, Pediatric Cancer, Blood Disorders, Charity, pediatric, cancer, 5k, awareness, walk, walkathon, sponsors, run, events, community events, new jersey, fundraising, nonprofit, world subaru, volunteer, give back, patients
"Help Us Do Even More for the Kids" by Janet Keating - The Valerie Fund Green Light Initiative Inaugural Champion
Janet Keating, who is a member of The Valerie Fund's Leadership Council, poses in honor of the Green Light Initiative.
Topics: pediatric, childhood cancer, awareness, centers, new jersey, fundraising, nonprofit, volunteer, advocate, give back
Volunteering is a large part of the community driven-action that is so important in keeping a nonprofit organization vital. At The Valerie Fund, there are a variety of opportunities for those interested in giving back. These volunteer profiles illustrate that there are many ways to make a difference in the lives of children battling cancer and blood disorders.
Topics: Non-profit, Pediatric Cancer, Charity, pediatric, cancer, childhood cancer, awareness, new jersey, fundraising, nonprofit, volunteer, advocate, volunteers, give back