The Valerie Fund Blog

Meet The 2024 Valerie Fund Ambassadors - Part 1

Written by The Valerie Fund | 10/16/24 4:06 PM

The 33rd Annual Thanksgiving Ball Gala is November 22nd, and we can't wait!

Each year, The Valerie Fund chooses a group of patient ambassadors representing an array of patients treated at our Valerie Fund Children's Centers. These ambassadors share their stories of courage and perseverance and how being treated through The Valerie Fund has impacted their lives.

Join us as we meet the first group of ambassadors who showcase what it means to be a Valerie Fund kid. 



Alex, 11 years old

Diagnosed with leukemia at 5 years of age.

The Valerie Fund Children's Center at Goryeb Children's Hospital. 


Alex loves the staff at Morristown. The nurses would brighten his day by playing Pokémon with him, giving him something to look forward to. The child life specialists were also amazing. When Alex was admitted to the hospital, they met him at his level, explaining the diagnosis in kid-friendly terms and providing a safe space to ask questions. Then it was playtime - there was nothing these specialists wouldn't do. From laser tag in the halls to hockey and Nerf gun battles, they made the hospital experience fun. I vividly recall a memorable moment when I got off the elevator to find an all-out Nerf war, with Alex, a child life specialist, and a doctor tumbling to avoid the foam bullets. Alex's smile and laughter made it all worthwhile.

Alex is still receiving weekly infusions at home and having monthly checks at the hospital. He loves watching the NJ Devils and playing ice hockey when he is not in the hospital. He also participates in taekwondo and is currently a semi-black belt.

Julie, 16 years old

Diagnosed with Ph-like ALL (leukemia) at 10 years of age.

The Valerie Fund Children's Center at Goryeb Children's Hospital 


"I enjoyed learning and playing games at The Valerie Fund Children’s Center. For Dr. Seuss Day, we made slime, which I almost actually drank. The Valerie Fund has always been there to provide emotional support for our whole family. They helped us make connections with peers to ease our feelings of isolation, added elements of fun and comfort to hospital stays and clinic visits, gave treats and cheer for holidays and special events, and provided educational support and advocacy at school.

I’m in my senior year of high school at the Biomedical Sciences Academy and starting college applications. I’m the saxophone section leader for the marching band and in the jazz ensemble, all with many thanks to The Valerie Fund and CHOP, getting to be a pretty “normal” teen."

Lily, 8 years old

Diagnosed with Pre-B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at 7 years of age.

The Valerie Fund Children's Center at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital


Lily being treated for leukemia at The Valerie Fund Children’s Center at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital has been such a blessing. It was her first birthday as a patient at SBCH, and right after diagnosis, everyone on the floor came into her room in the cancer center to sing “Happy Birthday.” Birthdays that can still happen for Lily are a true privilege and blessing. It’s helped us see that time is precious and should not be taken for granted.

The Valerie Fund Children’s Center has been a lifesaver (literally) for our child. The care that Lily receives while receiving treatment at the Children’s Center and when she’s been admitted to the hospital floor has been top-notch. Without this amazing facility and The Valerie Fund, we don’t know if we would be as fortunate as we are to have our beautiful daughter still around.

Outside of treatment, Lily likes to go to school and see friends, go to dance and twirling classes, and be an active Brownie Girl Scout. She also listens to music, does arts and crafts, and plays with her two dogs.


Jaysaan, 7 years old

Diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease at 9 days old

The Valerie Fund Children's Center at Monmouth Medical Center


Jaysaan enjoys going to The Valerie Fund Children’s Center for treatment because they have fun parties. His family appreciates the support they receive, knowing that the Center staff are always there for whatever we need. Outside of treatment, Jaysaan loves to play with his toys, do sports, and dance.




Hannah, 16 years old

Diagnosed with Medulloblastoma at 14 years old

The Valerie Fund Children's Center at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital


Mark, my acupuncturist, helped me so much during my illness. Chemo gave me all sorts of side effects. No matter what was bothering me that day, Mark would make me feel better with the acupuncture and by really getting to know me. We had a good laugh joking around with each other. It truly is a relationship that I will never forget. 

 I’ve been performing in musicals for a long time, and being in the hospital made me realize that my love for singing is much deeper than I originally thought. Music has always been a part of my life, and it helped me get through my treatments, no matter how hard the day. Now out of treatment, I’m back performing, doing what I love.


Hilma, 17 years old

Diagnosed with Osteosarcoma at 14 years old

The Valerie Fund Children's Center at Goryeb Children’s Hospital


I attended Camp Happy Times and have great memories of doing arts and crafts with other girls and making sunglasses to wear at the Camp Dance. It was a good bonding moment. During treatment, The Valerie Fund staff would give me games and trinkets to play with so I wouldn’t get impatient or sad. They have also provided financial support to my family to help us get through.

When I’m not at The Valerie Fund Children’s Center, I like to watch TV shows on my iPad. I like crime, romance, and horror shows.



Kosta, 21 years old

Diagnosed with Osteosarcoma at 18, reoccurrence at 20 years of age

The Valerie Fund Children's Center at Goryeb Children’s Hospital


The staff at The Valerie Fund Children’s Center in Morristown is nothing short of incredible and exemplary; they are always there for you. From Jim, my favorite masseuse, to Anne-Marie, my nurse practitioner, they always know how to maintain a positive rapport and banter. Regardless of the situation, I find that every time I walk into the clinic, I walk out happier, knowing I am in good hands.

The Valerie Fund has helped and continues to help my family both during my illness and even now through scholarships, emotional/mental support, financial assistance, health-related recommendations such as second opinions or surgeons, and continued guidance in and out of the hospital when it comes to the unexpected realities of dealing with something as serious as cancer and what was once thought to be so far away from the norm.

Having recently finished treatment and always being the one to push myself to greater heights, I am now doing my best to continue my pursuit of higher education and knowledge at NJIT. However, this does not come without its challenges, especially being disabled for the time being.


Aubree, 10 years old

Diagnosed with Burkitt’s Leukemia at 10 years of age

The Valerie Fund Children's Center at Newark Beth Israel


Aubree is very shy, but she opens up with her favorite nurse, Nurse Ros. She sees her as her other mother.

The Valerie Fund has helped enormously with emotional support as we go through treatment.